Czech university professor: "No Palestinians have ever existed. They are a Soviet invention"

25. 10. 2024 / Jan Čulík

čas čtení 3 minuty
Quite remarkably, the Central European country the Czech Republic has recently excluded itself from the company of civilised nations when it started uncritically supporting Israel's murderous campaign against the Palestinians in Gaza and the Lebanese in Lebanon. 

Recently,  Czech government Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvořák said on public service Czech TV that "Palestinians are genetically determined to hate everything Israeli". His racist statement remained uncorrected during the TV broadcast. Dvořák later published an anodyne "apology" on Twitter for his racist assertion, however, he did not apologise to Palestinians.

Czech Defence Secretary Jana Černochová liked a tweet by Pavel Novotný, a local politician who said that the Palestinians are "monkeys" who should be bombarded into smithereens.

Czech government as the ONLY (!) European country (except for authoriarian Hungary) has voted in the United Nations against the resolution approving the verdict  of the International Criminal Court pointing out that Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands is illegal and should stop. The resolution was approved by 124 UN member states.  The Czech government uncritically supports brutal Israeli miliatry policy and the Czech army closely cooperates with Israel.

In the past, the Czechs prided themselves on their humanist tradition. Today, it has totally disappeared. Czech media slavishly copy Israeli propaganda and do not inform the Czech public about the atrocities Israel is committing in Gaza, in the West Bank and in Lebanon.

But there is more. Now a Czech University professor and at the same time a protestant preacher (!) has argued that "the Palestinians have never existed" - implying perhaps that it is therefore OK to bomb them out of existence?



Martin C. Putna is a Czech literary historian and lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague. He is also an associate preacher at the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. 
In an interview with a questionable extreme right wing website Forum 24 he says, quite remarkably:

"Palestine is a Soviet invention. No Palestinians ever existed, they were simply Arabs living in one of the provinces of the Ottoman Empire, they had no state of their own, nor did they own any land. The idea of Palestinians living there happily from times immemorial until the "evil Jews" came is ahistorical hogwash.

When the State of Israel was created in 1948, it was done with a great deal of support from the Soviet Union, as the hope was that it would be another satellite of Moscow. But a major disappointment followed when Israel allied itself with the US. So the Soviet propaganda invented the Palestinians and the PLO was created.  Part of the communist massage was that the Palestinians were good, the Israelis bad."

These are the anticommunist ideological distortions that so many Czechs seem to be labouring under. Normally, the Czechs only damage themselves by their anticommunist ideology, but this time, innocent lives are at stake.

In order to neutralsie Putna's murderous nonsense, people would be well advised to wtach the film Jaffa, The Orange Clockwork. Watch this trailer from minute 7.17.

An excellent film in which a  famous Palestinian scholar deconstructs how the history of the Palestinian people has been erased.

He shows how old posters advertising for Palestine planted palm trees and camels in the background (which were not native) and how the native population was later erased from view and the impression was created as if Palestine were a desert awaiting colonization.

There was an attempt to try to erase the fact that Jews and Arabs worked and lived  together quite well in Jaffa around the trade of Jaffa oranges under mandatory Palestine.

There are of course many historical photographs on social networks documenting how Palestine existed and there were affluent Palestine cities long before Israeli colonisation.

Disgraceful of the Professor.



Obsah vydání | 29. 10. 2024