Audience by Václav Havel in NYT!

24. 1. 2023

čas čtení 1 minuta


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Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theatre

Audience_Vit Large puppet and Theresa_IMG_2095-RET_cropped

by Václav Havel

Theater of the absurd at its best! 
Absurdly funny!

This unique production celebrates the legacy of a playwright, political prisoner and the first post-communist president of Czechoslovakia. 

Feb 2-19, 2023
Thu-Sat @ 7pm / Sun @ 2pm

La MaMa Ellen Stewart Theatre
66 East 4th Street, NYC
Box Office: 646-430-5375 (M-F 11 am-5 pm) 


HavelAs punishment, a banned playwright (Václav Havel/Vaněk) is forced by the totalitarian regime to work in a brewery – between prison terms.

Audience (1975) is a part of the Vaněk Trilogy, which includes Unveiling  (1975) and Protest (1978). Public performances were banned in Communist Czechoslovakia, performed only in living rooms. While the Obie-Award winning performances took place in New York at the Public Theater.

LS Vit Theresa screens 3

Translated and directed by
Vít Hořejš

Performed by 

Vít Hořejš and Theresa Linnihan

Production Design / Alan Barnes Netherton
Spy Camera / Kika Von Klück   
News Reel / Suzanna Halsey
Stage Manager / Rebecca Werner
Rehearsal Director / Maxim Tumenev
Marionettes / Miloš Kasala and Jakub "Kuba" Krejčí
Costumes and Vaněk marionettes  / Theresa Linnihan

Photos / Jonathan Slaff

Full press release
 Presented in collaboration with Václav Havel Library Foundation.
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Audience is possible. in part, with public funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, and New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Additional support: Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association, Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Science s (SVU NY), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Brouczech Beer,  Materials for the Arts, and private donors.

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Obsah vydání | 26. 1. 2023