Miloš Zeman has failed to win the Czech presidential election outright in the first round, he will probably lose in the second round

13. 1. 2018

čas čtení 1 minuta

The final results in the first round of the Czech direct presidential election, which took place on Friday 12th January and on Saturday 13th January, show that the incumbent Miloš Zeman has received 38,56 per cent of the votes, his main opponent Jiří Drahoš has received   26, 60 per cent. Former diplomat Pavel Fischer received 10,23 per cent of the votes, Michal Horáček 9,18 per cent and Marek Hilšer 8,83 per cent.

Zeman would have won the first round outright had he received more than 50 per cent of the votes. This has not happened.

The results from the first round of the Czech presidential election indicate that the incumbent candidate Miloš Zeman will probably lose against his main opponent Jiří Drahoš in the second round, because most of the voters who have supported the anti-Zeman candidates in the first round will vote for Drahoš.

Jiří Drahoš is a former Head of the Czech Academy of Sciences and is a pro-Western and pro-EU candidate, with right-of-centre leanings.

Vote participation in the first round of the 2018 Czech presidential election was  61, 89 per cent.

The second round of the Czech presidential election will take place in a fortnight.



Obsah vydání | 15. 1. 2018