Poezii (Macedonski)

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Poezii (Romanian for "Poems") is an 1882 collection of poetry by the Romanian poet Alexandru Macedonski. It contains the following poems:

  • Ocnele, "The Salt Mines"
  • Formele (Satiră), "The Forms (Satire)"
  • Noaptea de aprilie, "April Night"
  • Accente intime, "Intimate Tones"
  • Poeţii, "The Poets"
  • Noaptea de septembrie (La muză), "September Nights (To the Muse)"
  • Noaptea de iunie, "June Night"
  • Vioristul, "The Violinist"
  • Hinov
  • Calul arabului, "The Arab's Horse"
  • Templul bogăţiei, "The Temple of Richness"
  • La suflet, "To the Soul"
  • Lupta şi toate sunetele ei (Armonie imitativă), "Fighting and All Its Sounds (Imitative Harmony)"
  • Destinul, "The Destiny"
  • La harpă, "To the Harp"
  • Focul sacru..., "The Sacred Fire"
  • Tinereţea, "Youth"
  • Odă la condeiul meu, "Ode to My Pen"
  • Filozofia morţii (Toast purtat la un banchet), "The Philosophy of Death (Toasted during a Banquet)"
  • Albaspina, "The Hawthorn"
  • Reîntoarcerea "The Return"
  • Răspuns la câţiva critici (Fragment), "An Answer to a Few Critics (Fragment)"